
The Never Settle Podcast is just a few guys pursuing the lifelong journey of discovering Truth and pursuit of a deeper and more intimate relationship with our Creator YHWH and our Messiah and King Yahushua and His Set Apart Spirit. Each week is an agenda free open forum to discuss new things we encounter and/or things people bring up as discussion topics. Everything is on the table, we dive in seeing if we as individuals and people in general are really seeking His will, or are we only interested in the things that already fit within what we already believe? If not there is a spirit of rebellion and pride creeping in there saying I already know God, I already have it figured out… BUT what if we don’t? What if we still have a long beautiful journey ahead of us but our pride is keeping us stagnant because of our unwillingness to truly seek His will regardless of whether or not its what we have always done, always believed or always been taught? Are we humble? Are we interested in seeking God how He wants us to or how we want to?

Guide to Mental Health, Productivity, and Ethical Entrepreneurship with Kenn Kelly
September 30, 2024
Guide to Mental Health, Productivity, and Ethical Entrepreneurship with Kenn Kelly
In this podcast episode, listeners can glean valuable insights to drive results across business, health, and innovation.
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Kenn Kelly on the Brett Snodgrass Show
April 18, 2022
Kenn Kelly on the Brett Snodgrass Show
Kenn talks about how we can chose to impact someones life everyday by following God's plan for us and loving him most
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Kenn Kelly on Christianity in Business
April 5, 2022
Kenn Kelly on Christianity in Business
In this episode of Christianity in Business, Kenn talks about how to build cultures of discipleship through innovation
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Kenn Kelly on the Tony Shap Show
December 19, 2021
Kenn Kelly on the Tony Shap Show
In episode 135 of the Tony Shap Show, Never Settle CEO Kenn Kelly talks about his background, the inception of Never Settle and our recent win with Amazon.
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Never Settle Podcast - Ep. 19
February 16, 2015
Ep. 20 - Celebrating God's Goodness
Celebrating how alive and active the King is!
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Never Settle Podcast - Ep. 19
December 19, 2014
Ep. 19 - Who is the King of our Life
We discuss who is truly sovereign in our lives: our Creator and Redeemer Yahushua to be the King of our life or do we try to be our own king|We discuss who is truly sovereign in our lives: our Creator and Redeemer Yahushua to be the King of our life or do we try to be our own king
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Never Settle Podcast - Ep. 17
October 29, 2014
Ep. 17 - The Simplicity of Eternal Life
In this episode we explore what eternal life means and how a concrete Biblical understanding of this connects other concepts like wisdom
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Never Settle Podcast - Ep. 18
November 27, 2014
Ep. 18 - The Power of Perspective and Hope
Pulling from our personal journey as a company, in this episode we talk about our recent process of regaining positive perspective and hope
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NS Podcast Episode 16
October 3, 2014
Ep. 16 - Is Biblical Self-Defense a Righteous Response to Threat?
In this episode we start exploring the big picture of Biblical self-defense and defending others from a Scriptural perspective.|In this episode we start exploring the big picture of Biblical self-defense and defending others from a Scriptural perspective.
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What does Stewardship mean
September 25, 2014
Ep. 15 - What is Stewardship and What Does the Bible Say About It?
In this podcast we look at Stewardship and see what the Bible actually says about it and how we may have misunderstood some of it's meaning.|In this podcast we look at Stewardship and see what the Bible actually says about it and how we may have misunderstood some of it's meaning.
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Never Settle Podcast - Episode 14 - My Yoke is Easy and My Burden Light
August 21, 2014
Ep. 14: My Yoke is Easy and My Burden Light
Why is it that Jesus tells us that His Yoke is easy, and His burden light when we feel weighed down and burdened all the time?
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NS Podcast 13
April 28, 2014
Ep. 13: What Stories are True and Worth Telling
What stories have value and what is it about some stories that engages us more deeply than others? What Stories are True and Worth Telling?
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Never Settle Podcast 12
April 3, 2014
Ep. 12: Passover, Eternal Perspective, and Asking Questions
During this time of Passover preparation and the welcoming of the New Year, We explore what this looks like and how we’re applying that life.
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Never Settle Podcast 11
January 31, 2014
Ep 11: How to Define Our Brand and Select Our Board Keeping the Kingdom First
What it looks like to integrate our pursuit of truth and the Kingdom into business practice including branding and on up to creating a board.
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Never Settle Podcast 10
December 20, 2013
Ep. 10: The Freedom of Belief and Jumping out of Planes
Do we believe the Word of God is a manual for every part of our lives? If so what is the definition of actually “believing” something?
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NS Podcast Episode 09
December 19, 2013
Ep. 09: Putting It All On the Table
Putting It All On the Table is an interesting conversation about what it means to challenge the things we believe and ways in which to carry on.
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Ep. 08 - Examining "Caesar's Messiah" Part 1
November 22, 2013
Ep. 08 - Examining "Caesar's Messiah" Part 1
We start to explore the topic of "Caesar's Messiah" - a flawed theory based on the works of Josephus about the origin of the New Testament|We start to explore the topic of "Caesar's Messiah" - a flawed theory based on the works of Josephus about the origin of the New Testament
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NS Podcast - Episode 07
October 28, 2013
Ep. 07: What is our responsibility in understanding the roots of our convictions?
Sometimes the deeper we dive it feels like everything is tied to leaving us asking, “what isn’t contaminated, convoluted, or counterfeit?"
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NS Podcast - Episode 06
October 10, 2013
Ep. 06: Should believers participate in Halloween and other worldly practices?
In this podcast, Never Settle takes a look at Halloween and what a grounded Biblical approach to it should be to this modern "holiday."
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NS Podcast - Episode 05
September 12, 2013
Ep. 05: Is Gideon's Fleece a Valid Principle for Biblical Decision Making?
Explore different Biblical tools and principles that can guide your decision making and whether or not the Fleece “test” is applicable today.
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Never Settle Podcast - Episode 4|Never Settle Podcast - Episode 4
September 4, 2013
Ep. 04: The Difference Between YHWH's name and His titles
We dissect the very large topic of what our Creator’s name and the importance of His name YHWH and what the difference is between His actual name.
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Never Settle Podcast - Episode 3
August 29, 2013
Ep. 03: Sharing What You are Learning and Growing In
We discuss the tension of learning new things and growing in new ways and some struggles that we have come into.
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Never Settle Podcast - Episode 2
August 21, 2013
Ep. 02: Pride and are our beliefs consistent with Biblical Teachings?
We look at the difference between mapped out religion with safe predictable patterns and a true relationship with our Creator.
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Never Settle Podcast - Episode 1
August 14, 2013
Ep. 01: Sharing Our Conversations
Welcome to episode #1 of the Never Settle podcast! Not sure exactly where this will go, we discuss why we are doing this, where we're headed.
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