The Never Settle Podcast is just a few guys pursuing the lifelong journey of discovering Truth and pursuit of a deeper and more intimate relationship with our Creator YHWH and our Messiah and King Yahushua and His Set Apart Spirit. Each week is an agenda free open forum to discuss new things we encounter and/or things people bring up as discussion topics. Everything is on the table, we dive in seeing if we as individuals and people in general are really seeking His will, or are we only interested in the things that already fit within what we already believe? If not there is a spirit of rebellion and pride creeping in there saying I already know God, I already have it figured out… BUT what if we don’t? What if we still have a long beautiful journey ahead of us but our pride is keeping us stagnant because of our unwillingness to truly seek His will regardless of whether or not its what we have always done, always believed or always been taught? Are we humble? Are we interested in seeking God how He wants us to or how we want to?