We just knocked off the second of 12 products for our 12 New Products in 12 Weeks marathon: a fresh overhaul of NS Automation for WordPress SEO! NS Automation is premium plugin for enhancing the ultra-popular WordPress SEO (by Yoast) by allowing you to include custom field values in your SEO content grading for much more complete and accurate analysis on keyword count, number of images, outbound links, etc. It has been available and is being used by happy customers for about 9 months now, but this week it got a new version increment with a bunch of updates to make it better and more powerful than ever.
What's new for the NS Automation for WordPress SEO plugin:
- Automatic updates! If you're an existing customer or thinking about checking it out risk-free, you can now be sure that all future upgrades and fixes will be announced and installable with one click in your admin plugins page just like free plugins from wordpress.org.
- Advanced Custom Fields Pro V5 compatibility. Lots of folks use Advanced Custom Fields for powerful but dead-simple custom field creation and management. You can now use either ACF 4 or 5 and NS Automation will correctly detect the version and parse all advanced fields like Flex Content, Repeaters, and Galleries (as well as simple image or text fields of course).
- Upgrade for compatibility with WP SEO 1.5.4 and above. Specifically, stats in the "Focus Keyword" section will again correctly reflect custom field values.
- Admin preview of custom field based meta descriptions. One of the helps NS Automation offers is the ability to have your meta description pulled from a custom field rather than the main post content area. Previously this only displayed in the front end HTML. Now if you've set up your meta descriptions to be pulled from a custom field you'll be able to see those reflected in the admin views as well.
- Lots of small enhancements and bug fixes to keep Automation running as smoothly as possible for you!
Find out more on the Automation product page.
12 New Products in 12 Weeks Progress

Each week we'll be releasing one new WordPress Plugin, Theme, or iOS Mobile App. If you want to stay in the loop on each product being released, sign up for our newsletter below:
All 12 Products from our 12 Week Marathon:
(We will be updating this list with links to each new product as progress through the experiment)
- Week 1: NS FBA for WooCommerce
- Week 2: NS Automation for WordPress SEO (this post)
- Week 3: Registration Templates Add-on for NS Cloner
- Week 4: FREE NS WordPress Plugin Template
- Week 5: NS Redirection and GA Campaign Link Builder
- Week 6: Lean Startup Experiment Tool Template
- Week 7: FREE NS Google Sheets Connector
- Week 8: Udder Deals: WordPress Daily Deal Site
- Week 9: Coming Soon!
- Week 10: Coming Soon!
- Week 11: Coming Soon!
- Week 12: Coming Soon!