Calling GoDaddy's Marketing Bluff
Actually, that's the nice way to put it. The reality is it's fear-based false advertising and many people probably fall for it, because it comes with a scary, convincing graphic like this one that makes you think your service resources are actually reaching their limits right now:

The only problem is, if you've ever gotten this email you will notice that your graphic is identical to this one. We've received this identical graphic multiple times and months apart ourselves.
But, do you want to know the really hilarious part? We just got another one of these emails and OUR SITE IS NOT EVEN HOSTED ON GODADDY ANY MORE. In fact, if you want to run an IP lookup like this: you'll see that our site is running on a linode which is what our amazing host WPengine uses for some of it's managed hosting instances (disclosure: that is an affiliate link). And yet, we are still getting those marketing emails with false graphics for hosting accounts that have ZERO traffic because the DNS A record is pointed to a server at a totally different host. Pretty funny.
Next time you get a scary marketing email from GoDaddy, take it as a reminder to switch hosts. This is coming from a guy who used to defend GoDaddy and prefer their hosting over all other budget hosts.