Ep. 05: Is Gideon's Fleece a Valid Principle for Biblical Decision Making?

Explore different Biblical tools and principles that can guide your decision making and whether or not the Fleece “test” is applicable today.
September 12, 2013
February 15, 2024
NS Podcast - Episode 05

In this episode we explore different Biblical tools and principles that can guide our decision making and whether or not the principle found in the account of Gideon and the Fleece "test" is applicable or even acceptable for us today. How are we to make righteous decisions that lead to action and what are the tools that can help us in that process?Some of the decision making tools that we discuss:

Verses referenced:

A great and related teaching by Francis Chan (not the one we referenced in the podcast as we couldn't find that exact one, but this one is also excellent and on-topic): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DApt_FOZoro

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